Gamescom 2010 brings us two videos this week from the MMO big’uns: TOR and Guild Wars 2. Both of them have been met with some mixed reception but, from where I’m sitting, there’s cause to get excited. Let’s start with the space combat video from TOR. Here, if you haven’t seen it yet, have a …
Tag Archive: swtor
Full Voicing Might Be a Bust
As a rule, I’m pretty skeptical of full voicework in RPGs. When it’s done right, it can be great and add to the immersion and storytelling. When it’s done wrong, though, it’s the exact opposite and the entire product winds up feeling cheap and under-produced. So, I have my reservations about SW:TOR. The first, and …
Cataclysm Cutbacks, My Thoughts and Hopes for E3, and Gaming Keyboards
I’ve been pretty busy managing games, work, and hardware upgrades this past week, so I’ve been a little behind on the news. Sorry for the lack of Monday update, but there’s a few big things I’d like to touch on, so let’s get started. Cataclysm Cutbacks Path of the Titans represented one of the most …
On Bioware and MMOs Having “No Point”
In a recent article in The Escapist, SW:TOR designer and writing director Daniel Erickson states that he thinks most MMOs out now have no point; that they lack a story to define our actions and, thereby, amount to a series of errands on the checklist of some faceless NPC. This comment disturbs me. Have Bioware …
SW:TOR Combat a Little Meh?
I sat down with the new Star Wars: The Old Republic vid-doc today, after reading on Massively that Game Trailers had it up on exclusive. Now, I was pretty hyped up going on. What, with a couple of my blogger buddies being excited over it. I believe the expression “Awesome Sauce” was used. So, I …
The Multiverse – Episode #14: Guest Starring: Cindy
Hey Guys, We’re back with another episode of The Multiverse. This brings us up to, dare I say, episode fifty seven thousand, one hundred and twenty eight? Yeah, that’s about right. Anyhow, this week we’re pleased to be joined by Cindy from the MMO Voices podcast and the Dream Bytes blog. We have a great …
Rewind: Should MMOs be Made From Books?
The following post was originally published on September 15th, 2009. It’s an intriguing topic, in my opinion, especially so with LotRO becoming more popular and titles like SW:TOR filling up our gaming horizons. What do you think, should MMOs be made from books and existing IPs or is there more value in creating a new …
The Multiverse – Episode #12 “Guest Starring: Jon of Drunken Legacy (the Raidisode)
Happy Monday Folks, And you know what that means; another Monday means another Multiverse! We’re up to Episode 12 now and we brought a guest along to join the fun. This week Jon (Maxivik) of the Drunken Legacy guild joined us to talk about raiding. As a long time member and officer in a leading …
How we pay is pretty much up to Bioware
SW:TOR is an important game. Not only is it the next entry in a long list of Star Wars titles, but its even got non-MMO players eager to log in. It’s lofty aspirations for full voicing and deep, mutable, story aim to shape the genre and push it into the next generation of development. If …