Scarybooster had a post up last week that I’m in total agreement with. In it, he talks about why he’s finally decided to leave WoW. Another veteran player leaving the game wouldn’t necessarily warrant its own post but the points Scary raises are worth talking about. I took note of it not because it criticizes …
Tag Archive: cataclysm
Quickest Burn Yet?
That WoW-kinda feeling is setting in again. It’s that nagging “ugh, there’s something better I could be doing — I don’t know what it is, but it’s there, even if it’s just staring off and thinking of something else I could be doing” kinda feeling. Know what I mean? Where logging in becomes something you …
Cataclysm Heroics – A Shot In The Foot?
If you’ve paid any attention at all to the WoW community in the last few weeks, you’ve probably heard how much more difficult the new heroics are. I’ve been in quite a few at this point, won some, lost some, and can say that I agree: we’re harder now than we’ve been since heroics first …
When Cutscenes Go Too Far
I hit level 85 last week and now find myself at the tail end of Uldum, frantically scraping for that last gear point to start heroics. Now, Uldum is a pretty cool zone. It has a neat setting with new character models, fun quests, and memorable characters (Harrison Jones, anyone?). It also features an absolute …
Mount Hyjal: Like Stepping Into The Past (and Other Day One Cata Impressions)
As you all know, Cataclysm released yesterday and let the masses finally get a taste of the new 80-85 game. I didn’t try logging in last night, even WITH the digital download, since it would have been 3AM here and probably queued to boot. I took the day off and logged in at noon, queue-free, …
The Multiverse – Episode #32: “A Turkey’s Guide to Immersion”
Hi Everyone, After a prolonged break, we are back with Episode 32, A Turkey’s Guide to Immersion. Kind of a funny title, but it is, of course, to give credit to Mr. Beau Hindman Turkey who invented them some years back in Vanguard. At the time, they were the guide for the Immersion Project, which …
Why Pilgrim’s Bounty Was One Of The Best Holiday’s This Year
Over the last couple of days, I’ve spent more time in WoW than I’d planned. Saturday night, actually, I kept myself up until the wee hours of the morning. No, I wasn’t frantically grinding quests or exploring or vainly trying to master my new troll druid (this healing business is totally new territory for me). …
The Shattering: Enough to Lure Me Back?
As you’ve no doubt heard, as of today, the WoW we once knew is gone forever. Replacing it is WoW: The Re-Imagining, which brings with it new zones, updating questing, and all that blahbittyblah — you’ve heard it already. The important thing to take away is that this is probably the most exciting thing to …
Blizzard is Officially Like Everyone Else
Edit just to put this up front: the bugs, really, are a side issue and I’m sure they’ll be fixed (even if I do think this holiday is especially below their usual standard). The main reason I’ve come to this conclusion is the total lack of consistency this expansion will introduce. See the comments section …
The Multiverse – Episode #23: “The Little Things are Best in Space”
Hey gang, Another week, another Multiverse! This week we touch on the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning trailer, FFXIV’s recommended requirements, the cast of DCUO, and more! We have a clarification from last week, too. It seems that the reported 200k new subscribers for LotRO were actually beta applicants. Still impressive, in my opinion! Thanks to …