Tag Archive: farmville

The “Twit Generation” vs. Us – and Why Your Memory is a Little Cloudy

Apparently SynCaine and I stirred up a bit of a controversy yesterday on where exactly MMOs should be heading and who should be playing them. That’s well and good, but reading some of the responses has me a little concerned, so let’s dig a little deeper. Let me just say, unequivocally, if you’re one of …

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The Multiverse – Episode #14: Guest Starring: Cindy

Hey Guys, We’re back with another episode of The Multiverse. This brings us up to, dare I say, episode fifty seven thousand, one hundred and twenty eight? Yeah, that’s about right. Anyhow, this week we’re pleased to be joined by Cindy from the MMO Voices podcast and the Dream Bytes blog. We have a great …

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