

Board Resolution Agreement

When a business needs to make a significant decision, a board resolution agreement is often the way to go. This legal document lays out the details of the decision, the reasoning behind it, and the board`s agreement to it. In this article, we`ll dive into what a board resolution agreement is, what it includes, and why it`s important.

What is a Board Resolution Agreement?

A board resolution agreement is a formal document that records a decision made by a company`s board of directors. It lays out the specifics of the decision and the reasoning behind it. It`s signed by all members of the board and becomes a binding agreement between the board, the company, and its stakeholders.

What Does a Board Resolution Agreement Include?

A board resolution agreement typically includes the following information:

– The decision: The agreement should clearly state the decision that was made. This could be anything from approving a new product line to hiring a new CEO.

– The reasoning: The agreement will lay out the reasoning behind the decision. This is important as it will help other stakeholders understand why the decision was made.

– Voting results: The agreement should include the results of the board vote. This shows how the board members voted and whether the decision was unanimous or not.

– Effective date: The agreement will include the date that the decision becomes effective. This is important because it can affect any future actions taken by the company.

– Signatures: Finally, the agreement will be signed by all members of the board. This makes it a binding agreement between the board, the company, and its stakeholders.

Why is a Board Resolution Agreement Important?

A board resolution agreement is important for several reasons:

1. It lays out the decision and the reasoning behind it, which is important for stakeholders to understand.

2. It provides a record of the decision, which can be helpful if legal issues arise in the future.

3. It shows that the decision was made in accordance with the company`s bylaws and other governing documents.

4. It provides a clear understanding of who is responsible for implementing the decision.


Overall, a board resolution agreement is an important document for any business. It lays out the specifics of a decision, the reasoning behind it, and the board`s agreement to it. It`s a binding agreement between the board, the company, and its stakeholders, and provides a clear understanding of who is responsible for implementing the decision. As such, it`s important to ensure that the agreement is well-written and legally sound.