Slot games today are out of this world. We don’t just mean they showcase cool bonus features and awesome 3D graphics. We mean you can now find slot games that are literally set out of this world, on foreign planets and in galaxies far, faraway. Here’s our pick of the 7 best space-themed slot games …
Category Archive: d. Everything Else
How Much Is Too Much When It Comes To Luck In Tabletop Games?
There has been something of a resurgence of tabletop gaming in recent years. Video games are more accessible than ever before on consoles, computers and mobile phones but instead, more and more people are swapping the laptop for the tabletop when it comes to gaming. Titles like Settlers of Catan, Risk and Days of Wonder’s …
The Evolution of Grand Theft Auto (Infographic)
Can you name many games that surpassed a billion dollars in 72 hours? Didn’t think so, but we bet you can name one. Grand Theft Auto 5, the most recent (albeit now 5 year old) entry into developer Rockstar’s action packed crime series broke every possible record there is on its release, pushing an already …
Best Minecraft Skins
Life is full of limitless possibilities – and so is the world of Minecraft. You can choose any skin you would like your character to wear and it often can be rather a daunting prospect. In a game that allows you to become practically anyone – no matter whether it’s your favorite superhero or a …
Virtual Tabletop Face-Off – Roll20 Vs. Fantasy Grounds
Guest article by Cohen of the PC Gaming Guru In recent years, tabletop gaming has experienced a bit of a renaissance – or, at the very least, a surge in popularity. This is partially due to web shows like Critical Role bringing the beauty of tabletop gaming into the public sphere. There’s no longer a …
If you’re not reading Rant On Rob, you should be
Greetings, Game By Nighters! Just popping in to give a sterling recommendation to my friend and colleague, Rob Lashley’s new gaming blog: Rant On Rob. If you don’t know Rob yet, you surely know his work. He’s been writing excellent columns and reviews for (and now GameSpace!) for some time. He’s also done a …
Dungeons & Dragons Has Found New Homes Online
There have been some huge RPGs and MMOs over the past few years and some of these have seen devoted followers group en masse to witness the games played by the best at eSports events – the annual BlizzCon convention alone attracts 25,000 fans coming to watch WoW, Hearthstone and Warcraft world championships. All the …
Book Review: Death Follows by Cullen Bunn
Death Follows is unapologetically dark. Based on the title and cover art, I expected this, but it even surprised me. Having never read Mr. Bunn’s work before (this graphic novel is based upon a short story), I went into the tale not knowing what to expect. I left feeling unsettled because of it, so I’ll …
Book Review: The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch by Neil Gaiman
The Facts in the Case of the Departure of Miss Finch is an adaptation of a Neil Gaiman short story, first published in comic form in 2008. At the time of its release, I, sadly, had not yet discovered Mr. Gaiman. In the years since then, he has become one of my favorite authors in …
New Content Incoming
Hi All, Just a brief update to let you know, again, that most of my games writing can now be found at, though I will continue to try to update here as well. In the meantime, I will be posting more book/graphic novel reviews. As you may know, I’ve been reviewing games and other …