We may not be in Azeroth anymore, but we’ll certainly come back to take you with us! I love it when companies take advantage of flexible loyalties like this. It’s all kinds of sneaky and clever and funny. Kind of makes you wonder how Blizzard feels now that they’re linking back to WoWhead on the …
Tag Archive: marketing
Let’s Stop With the Secrecy
While listening to the latest episode of The Instance today, I got to thinking about how secretive the video game industry is. There are always hidden features, little selling points, that they dangle in front of us in a seemingly endless stream. The release of new information is always extremely controlled. I swear, some of …
The Multiverse – Episode #16: “I am Betty White”
Happy Monday Everyone! To start the week off right, we’re here to bring you the one-week-delayed Episode 16 of the Multiverse. Things didn’t go off a smoothly as planned but the results are a funnier show. Go figure. This week, our main topic is what it takes for an MMO to get, and keep, our …
SW:TOR Combat a Little Meh?
I sat down with the new Star Wars: The Old Republic vid-doc today, after reading on Massively that Game Trailers had it up on exclusive. Now, I was pretty hyped up going on. What, with a couple of my blogger buddies being excited over it. I believe the expression “Awesome Sauce” was used. So, I …