Guest starring: Sister Julie and Sister Fran from No Prisoners, No Mercy! Is a 5th episode an anniversary? Not quite, but it’s certainly a special one. This week we’re pleased to be joined by Sister Fran and Sister Julie of the No Prisoners, No Mercy podcast. It was an absolute pleasure to have them on, …
Tag Archive: bioware
PS Vita comes out Wednesday and I will have it; Making Money in SWTOR
A new handheld hits the gaming market Wednesday and I’ll be picking it up. The system, I’m sure you already know, is the PS Vita. It’s Sony’s last great effort to prove handhelds are viable. They’ve packed everything into this thing to make sure it sells: advanced HD graphics (early PS3 level), dual analog sticks, …
Does anyone appreciate scale anymore?
Just a quick post to say the following: I love that SWTOR is so effing big. I love feeling like I’m part of a huge zone or inside a massive structure. A lot of people don’t. The cynics will tell you that it’s all an artificial way to keep you playing longer (because tedium = …
The horror of dismissing in space [SWTOR]
It was on the way to an unknown planet that I, your host, killed my entire crew! I must confess a certain, softness in my trepidation before doing it, but then, I only meant to penalize the one for being so mopey. I would have freed you Khem Val, my ol’ buddy, if only you’d given …
RIFT Versus SW:TOR – An Observation on With It-ness
I find it very interesting that RIFT gets mass appeal for being a game that’s adapted to the times, yet SW:TOR has absolutely not. In fact, I’d say the folks at Bioware pretty much stopped learning right around 2008 with WAR’s warfronts. Few people mention this, despite their being back to back releases (figuratively anyways). …
SWTOR: Impressions and _Impressions_
Like most of the MMO world, I’ve spent the last week knee-deep in The Old Republic. Talk about a good game. Single player? You bet, more than any other MMO I’ve played. Featuring more group content than our other darling child, RIFT? Without a doubt. And isn’t that something? We can have the most exclusive …
Dragon Age II: First Impressions
If you were a fan of the first Dragon Age, word has surely dropped from the apple tree that it’s sequel, creatively titled DAII, has hit store shelves to much split opinion. Some people really dislike it and I can see why. For my part, I’ve enjoyed it. In it, I’ve found a beautiful game …
March: Feels Like November, Doesn’t It? [3DS, DA2, ETC.]
Update: Well, looks like PSOM was wrong. L.A. Noire just announced a May release date. Wow, March is fast approaching and it feels like November. We have some very big things approaching: Rift, Dragon Age 2, L.A. Noire, and, of course, the 3DS. Let’s see…that’s, what, about $400+ in goodies to buy? I don’t think …
The Multiverse – Episode #31: “They’re Barely Even Games”
Happy Pre-Black Ops, Folks! Don’t let that mislead you. We don’t talk about Black Ops on this show; I’m just excited. There was a lot of great news this past week, MMO and gaming in general, so we thought we’d take a show and break it all down for you. There’s lots of great MMO …
TOR Might Wind Up a “Clone”– Why Is That Bad, Again?
It’s been interesting to watch how the public interpretation of The Old Republic has changed since it was announced. It went from godsend, to F2P (oh noes!), to godsend, to the current point of “It’s a WoW clone” disappointment. On one hand, I empathize with people that want something new and are tired of the …