
Below you will find a listing of our main guides. Know something that’s not included in our guides? Email us today!

  1. How to Lower Your Latency: a Compendium – This guide was written by Chris after constantly suffering high pings and disconnects in World of Warcraft. To make it easier on himself and others, he put all of the tips and tricks he found into a single place for easy reference. If you’ve ever been unhappy with your ping in an MMO, and not just World of Warcraft, this is the guide for you.
  2. How to Avoid Getting Keyloggers and Get Rid of Them If You Do –  A very long name for a very basic premise. This comprehensive guide will detail how to simply and efficiently protect your computer from keyloggers and a sure fire (and format free) method of getting rid of them if you do. This guide specializes in ensuring this with the least impact on your system resources and ease of use. Written by Chris.
  3. Practical Tips for the Fallen Earth Newbie – Are you new to the game? Have questions about basic and not-so-basic things? Fallen Earth is a game that throws you out there without holding your hand. Don’t worry, we’re not afraid to touch. Check out these basic tips and make getting started in Fallen Earth that much easier. This guide includes tips on crafting, spending AP, combat, and more.
  4. Tips and Tricks for the FFXIV Newbie – FFXIV is pretty different from most other MMOs on the market and it can take a little getting used to. Check out this guide for all the tips to get your up and running in the world of Eorzea!

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