This is interesting. (And thank you to Spinks for the tip). For as long as I can remember, WoW has suffered from a tank shortage. Over the years, Blizzard has done a lot to try to overcome this phenomenon with, quite generally, temporary results. According to this latest dev log, it seems that Blizzard has …
Tag Archive: dungeons
Appreciating RIFT’s Single-Server (and Long) Dungeon Queue
I find groups in RIFT to be very tolerant. I think that’s probably because the queue to join those groups tends to be long in comparison to, say, WoW. As I’m still gearing up towards 150 focus (a stat mainly available on T2 level gear and craftables), I find myself constantly in queue. At any …
Looking back at the journey, 1-50 [RIFT]
Last night, I stayed up late (and consequently overslept) to finish something I started on just over three months ago. I dinged level 50 in RIFT. This wouldn’t normally be an occasion since most of the world has already been 50 for a month or two, but there’s something we need to understand: It is …
The Multiverse – Season 02 Episode 06 – “Bone Dragons and Furry Things”
Hey Gang, This episode was a blast to record! Both Adam and I feel that it’s our best one yet. In it, we discuss a multitude of things. Including: The return of SOE! And why Adam and I disagree on the nature of Anonymous. How expert dungeons have changed in RIFT and why you might …
On the Freedom of Roles – and Why People Don’t Use It
As we move further and further from launch day, we’re really starting to see how things are shaking out with the community. This is happening in a lot of ways, but probably the biggest is with the soul system. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are a lot of clerics about. Not many …
TOR Might Wind Up a “Clone”– Why Is That Bad, Again?
It’s been interesting to watch how the public interpretation of The Old Republic has changed since it was announced. It went from godsend, to F2P (oh noes!), to godsend, to the current point of “It’s a WoW clone” disappointment. On one hand, I empathize with people that want something new and are tired of the …
Chat’s Not Dead (It’s Just on Time Out)
Wolfshead’s latest post talks about the failing state of chat in MMOs today. Like all of his posts, it’s an enjoyable read and is delivered with all of the experience and eloquence we’ve come to expect from him. In it, he postulates that the current silence dominating 5-mans is an early indicator of MMOs losing …
The Games We Play (or Why I’ve Enjoyed Gearscore)
As readers of my Lagwar column will know, my death knight recently hit level 80. I topped out with a low 2k gear score, some tanking skills, and enough defense to jump right into heroics. Even so, the late addition ICC 5-mans were still beyond me, so I had some work to do. In the …
Okay Ahune, You Can Take Five
I have a freakish adoration of holiday bosses. Maybe it’s their loot pinata nature. Or maybe it’s the fact that you can only fight them a few days out of the year. Either way, when I heard that the Midsummer Fire Festival was on in WoW, I made a mental promise that I’d get to …