Tag Archive: innovation

RIFT Versus SW:TOR – An Observation on With It-ness

I find it very interesting that RIFT gets mass appeal for being a game that’s adapted to the times, yet SW:TOR has absolutely not. In fact, I’d say the folks at Bioware pretty much stopped learning right around 2008 with WAR’s warfronts. Few people mention this, despite their being back to back releases (figuratively anyways). …

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Did we give up on the “next-gen” MMO?

Think back with me a couple of years. Do you remember hearing this term? “Next-Gen,” a phrase that even to the ear rings of progression and advancement. The first time I heard it used was in relation to Vanguard. People were excited, because it set out to push the industry into another era of MMORPGs. …

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The future isn’t AAA games

On the last podcast, I mentioned that I didn’t think games like Darkfall and EVE were pushing the industry anywhere. I’m not so sure I believe that anymore. My reasoning was that those games were so niche that they weren’t going to sway big bears like Blizzard. Now though, I’m thinking that I may have …

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You got your duck sauce in my soy!

One of the things I love about blogging at MMO Voices is that I get to hear the opinions of people that are passionate about the same type of game as I am. We share our thoughts on game design, systems and mechanics, and relate recent experiences we may have had while playing. It also …

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