Hallelujah! It’s 91 degrees in New York and we’re turning the heat up even higher with this episode of the Multiverse. This week we’re joined by our friend Gavin of Flex Your Geek, Rift Watchers, and, of course, Vagary TV! We have a great time talking about the week’s news, which includes Cryptic moving to …
Tag Archive: f2p
Aion Just Jumped the Shark
A sampling of their new cash shop: And my personal favorite… Yes, that’s a chainsaw. An angel wielding a chainsaw. Can you at least train Logging with it? I haven’t played the game in a long time due to the let-down that was the Abyss. Tell me, is this the cash shop of a …
Questioning the F2P vs P2P Argument — is it Really More Profitable?
Beau has a decent post up on Massively at the moment answering this question: Would he be more likely to play RIFT if it was F2P? As you might imagine, it brought the commentors out of the woodwork. Perhaps considering the penchant for vocal minorities to be, well, vocal, there’s a lot of RIFT hating …
Where LotRO’s Cash Shop Goes Wrong
This has already been said before, but it’s worth saying again: the problem with F2P is that it encourages developers usher you into a store rather than revise broken mechanics. LotRO is guilty, plain and simple, but let me elaborate. For those of you who don’t play the game, a big part of LotRO’s character …
The Multiverse – Episode #30: “Return of the Schnitzel”
Happy Monday Folks! Another week, another Multiverse! This week we talked about lots of fun stuff, including: Blizzcon 2010 and how some kid broke his leg in the most embarrassing way possible Final Fantasy’s trial extension The multitudes of Halloween events LotRO F2P finally heading to Europe Main Topic: Minecraft being attacked by 4chan – …
Like Stepping Back in Time (A Tale of Two Games)
I have a funny relationship with LotRO. We’re an on-again, off-again kind of couple. Sometimes she gets all hot and bothered when I’m ready to sleep for the night. When I’m in the mood, she immediately tells me to run to Rivendell for some milk. But, honestly, most of the time I’m just out with …
The Multiverse – Episode #27: “The More Things Change…”
Hi Everybody, Busy show this week! We were joined again by Gavin for the Flex Your Geek and MMO Voices podcasts, so thanks again to him for tagging along and keeping us in line. This week’s topics include: The Michael Jackson MMO – Will Bubbles live to see the morning? MMO Anniversaries – Three in …
First Impressions of Vindictus
The following was written after the first hour of play and several more researching forums and fansites. If anything is misrepresented here, please feel free to share it in the comments below. Follow-Up: As I played the game for another hour or so this evening, I encountered an issue I’d only heard about previously. When …
LotRO’s Cash Shop and Where It Leads
Throughout the transition period, I’ve done my best to support Turbine and Lord of the Rings Online. As a lifetime subscriber, the change to freemium meant very little for me – and, still do. So, while I empathized with players terrified of what the changeover meant for them, I couldn’t exactly share their fear. That’s …
Turns Out Freemium is a Great Move!
It’s a good time to be a LotRO player. I’ll admit, I’ve been taking a break for the past couple of months, but Syp’s recent developer tour leaves me wanting to log back in (parts one and two here). When the news first dropped that the game would be switching models, there was a lot …