Edit just to put this up front: the bugs, really, are a side issue and I’m sure they’ll be fixed (even if I do think this holiday is especially below their usual standard). The main reason I’ve come to this conclusion is the total lack of consistency this expansion will introduce. See the comments section …
Tag Archive: wow cataclysm
Thoughts on the Goblin Starting Zone
After I got done with the character creator last night, I spent an hour or so exploring the Goblin starting zone. I’m playing my Ben Stiller mage and got up to level 5 before logging off. Bear this in mind as we go on. I titled this post “Goblin Starting Zone” instead of “Goblin Starting …
Thoughts on the Worgen Starting Experience
I had a chance to login to the Cataclysm beta early this morning. Since a reader asked to see the Worgen Rogue stealth animation, I decided to go that route and roll alliance. I’m most of the way through it and I’m very impressed. Here are some of the things that stood out to me: …
On PuGs and Progression in WoW
Word on the street has it that Blizzard is planning some big changes for the WoW raiding game come Cataclysm. The current plan, as I understand it, is that 10 and 25 man raids will now drop the same gear. There’s a little more to it, so here’s the bullet list from MMO Champion: 10-Man …
Does lore show WoW’s decline?
Update: I think I did a poor job phrasing myself since people seem to be taking it differently than my intention everywhere I have this post up. What I’m asking with the post is this: do you think Blizzard’s willingness to stray from the lore is a sign that they’re willing to let things slide …
A Month at Warcraft
I decided today that I’m going to resubscribe to WoW until Aion Online launches in September. I’ve been dangling dangerously at the precipice of resubbing for a while now, especially since MMO-Champion leaked all of the details on the upcoming expansion but what officially made me take the dive was visiting a couple of friends …
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm confirmed
Because I would be remiss not to mention it, WoW: Cataclysm is coming! There’s a lot of great stuff headed our way that should make leveling 1-60 almost a completely new experience. I can’t wait. There’s too much information for me to review here, so why don’t you head over to WoW.com and check out …
The awesomeness that is WoW: Cataclysm
Thank you to Keen and MMORPG.com for the tip because now I have a good reason to get excited. More information on the new World of Warcraft expansion has leaked out and it looks like old world Azeroth is in for a bit of a makeover. According to MMO-Champion, Deathwing and Asharza will cause the …