Over the last couple of days, I’ve spent more time in WoW than I’d planned. Saturday night, actually, I kept myself up until the wee hours of the morning. No, I wasn’t frantically grinding quests or exploring or vainly trying to master my new troll druid (this healing business is totally new territory for me). …
Tag Archive: the shattering
WoW: A Free Day Brings Shattered Thoughts
After hearing Scary mention that he was offered seven free days on his WoW account, I decided to check in myself. For some reason, I didn’t receive any email offering the time but I was able to redeem the time just by going to the WoW section of my Battle.net account. Thanks Blizzard! The perfect …
The Shattering: Enough to Lure Me Back?
As you’ve no doubt heard, as of today, the WoW we once knew is gone forever. Replacing it is WoW: The Re-Imagining, which brings with it new zones, updating questing, and all that blahbittyblah — you’ve heard it already. The important thing to take away is that this is probably the most exciting thing to …