In one of the most poignant and well written posts on the topic I’ve seen, Wolfshead blames Blizzard for the stagnation that’s he sees as plaguing the MMO industry. He has a lot of good reasons why he feels this way, not the least of which being that they’ve done very little to advance the …
Tag Archive: MMO Industry
Bad news for Fallen Earth
Oi, I’d be a little concerned if I was a Fallen Earth fan. Coming down the gauntlet today (via ITG, via the Escapist), we hear that Icarus Studios laid off a big chunk of its workforce. Actually, the initial report claimed that they had “closed their doors” but that may not be exactly true. Shortly …
The Multiverse – Episode #13: “Love Me Like a Half-Elf”
Hey Guys, Today we bring you the two-day delayed Multiverse Episode 13! And get this, we even recorded on a Friday. Get it? Friday. Thirteen? Ah well. We managed to avoid any unluckiness, though, and recorded one of our best episodes yet. This week, we talk all about online relationships. Psychochild dating Tipa? Syp eloping …
Did NCSoft fire their writers?
Just a brief quote that made me wonder. This is from Gamasutra’s interview with Brian Knox, lead from the Aion Online team: “We had some really talented writers — still do, actually.” Okie. What I read from that is that some of the more remarkable writers got cut. His little correction (“— still do, actually.”) …