I was surprised and dismayed reading Green Armadillo’s 2013 predictions post last night. It seems that Scott Hartsman has departed from Trion Worlds and the executive producer position on RIFT. This is probably the most dismaying news to come out about the game since the scaling back of zone invasions pre-launch. In a statement on …
Tag Archive: industry
The Multiverse – Episode #10: “Linear, Shminear!”
Hey Gang, Well, we made it into the double digits! Join us this week as we celebrate hitting our 10th episode, with the help of our friends in the chat room! This show was a blast to record. It was full of laughs and good spirits, as we talked about what we’ve been playing and …
SAR: Appreciating the Industry
August 7, 2010
by Chris "Syeric" Coke
Update: Whoops! Might help if I included a link. Fixed! The lack of Friday post disturbs me. What’s that? It’s Saturday? Better late than never! The good news is I’m not lazy. I’ve actually been writing a Friday post every week for a couple months! See, the fine gentleman at Lagwar saw fit to offer …
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Tags: blogging, comments, developers, development, industry, lagwar, plugs, sar, some assembly required, video game development
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