Hey Gang, Another Friday, another SAR. As I mentioned in this morning’s article, this is a special edition of Some Assembly Required. This week, I spend some time talking with a fellow named Burns whose guild and play style are firmly rooted in playing under the influence. I met with Burns on Skype on several …
SAR: Appreciating the Industry
August 7, 2010
by Chris "Syeric" Coke
Update: Whoops! Might help if I included a link. Fixed! The lack of Friday post disturbs me. What’s that? It’s Saturday? Better late than never! The good news is I’m not lazy. I’ve actually been writing a Friday post every week for a couple months! See, the fine gentleman at Lagwar saw fit to offer …
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Tags: blogging, comments, developers, development, industry, lagwar, plugs, sar, some assembly required, video game development
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