Hey Gang,
Well, we made it into the double digits! Join us this week as we celebrate hitting our 10th episode, with the help of our friends in the chat room!
This show was a blast to record. It was full of laughs and good spirits, as we talked about what we’ve been playing and our thoughts on this “add 10 levels with every expansion” business. Is that how it has to be and how did we get to this point?
If you get the chance, check out our Live Stream. I was struck by some strange muse and decided to skin a furby. Yep, this is what you miss when you grab the download! 🙂
From all of us though, really, thanks for making the last 10 episodes a blast. Your listenership means a lot to all of us and has made the idea of “MMO Radio” a lot more real. Here’s to another 10! *cheers*
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Show Notes – 3/5/10 – “Linear, Shminear!”
- What have we been playing?
- Listener mail: Maxivik and Alik Steel! Thanks Guys!
- News: Congratulations to Beau and Syp for joining Massively.com!
- Linear Expansions: Is it better to grow up or grow out?
Shout Outs:
- Thanks to Karen from Journey’s With Jaye and a View From the Top!
- Thanks to the Drunken Legacy – Daggerspine [US] – WoW guild. You guys rock!
- A big hello to Riknas’ friend blagraghragh. We miss you buddy!
Relevant Links:
- Chris – Game by Night
- Ferrel – Epic Slant and a View From the Top
- Riknas – Riknas Rants
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