I was surprised and dismayed reading Green Armadillo’s 2013 predictions post last night. It seems that Scott Hartsman has departed from Trion Worlds and the executive producer position on RIFT. This is probably the most dismaying news to come out about the game since the scaling back of zone invasions pre-launch. In a statement on …
Tag Archive: scott hartsman
The Multiverse – Season 02 Episode 02 – I Got the Chicken PAX!
Hi Guys, Season 2, episode 2! This week Adam and I are joined by Jeremy of the MMO Voices podcast and one of my partner’s in crime over at Rift Watchers. We have some great conversation on PAX re: MMOs here and more, including: The MMO “big wig” panel, featuring just about every studio head …
Rift: Looking to the Future After Beta 2
The second beta event for Rift is finished and lots was learned from it. I was lucky enough to take part and, well, I’m excited for the NDA to drop. By the way, I checked and since Trion was asking people to status-update their being in-game, I think it’s okay to say that much (I …
The Beta Philosophy Behind Rift
As my interest in Rift has been growing, I’ve become much more curious on the creative minds behind Rift. Even if you don’t buy the concept (and why wouldn’t you?), you have to appreciate the sheer amount of experience this team brings to the table. So, last night I Googled Scott Hartsman Studio GM and …