

SAR: Appreciating the Industry

Xerb made me this beautiful picture to capture the moment. I always wanted to write an article that could be summed up in butterflies, lol! One more thing on the bucket list down!

Update: Whoops! Might help if I included a link. Fixed!

The lack of Friday post disturbs me. What’s that? It’s Saturday? Better late than never!

The good news is I’m not lazy. I’ve actually been writing a Friday post every week for a couple months! See, the fine gentleman at Lagwar saw fit to offer me a little space in their community to share my thoughts. And so, Some Assembly Required was born.

This week, I decided to take a minute to appreciate the good people who bring us the games we love. As gamers, the longer we play the more of an “old vet” we become. It’s easy to focus on what we don’t like or judge and be critical. I’m as guilty of it as anyone else. But, at the end of the day, the game we get is a product of the hard work, passion, and sheer love of gaming, from hundreds of people. That deserves appreciation, I think.

Anyhow, I hope you’ll go over and check it out. Maybe leave a comment, if you’re so inclined.

Now, with that out of the way, I have an anniversary party to get too. No, peach picking. No, peach picking and then an anniversary party. See you guys on the other side!

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