First, when Aion launched and had its connection issues, we saw LotRO buying ad space for search terms like “Aion connection problem.” Now, we have… This type of advertising is at once underhanded and amusing. I like it!
Tag Archive: Aion
Cancelling my subscriptions
As some of you may have read, I lost my job about a month ago. With the economy in the state it’s in, I’m having some trouble finding a new one that will work with my course schedule. I have a claim in to the labor board about the conditions surrounding my leaving, so with …
Level segregation: the problem with guilds
As I’ve jumped around from game to game this past year, I’ve always made it a point to be sure I have an active guild to play with. I did the same with every character I had on WoW. This morning, playing through Fallen Earth without a guild, I did some thinking about why this …
These last days…
Delightfully ominous, isn’t it? Tee hee. Well, there’s no foreshadowing here. It’s been a few days since I last checked in, so I thought it was about time for an update. So, where have I been? As always, plugging away at Fallen Earth but at a much slower pace than I’d like. I’ve been talking …
Smaller zones, please
As I play more MMOs, I feel like I’m widening my horizons and discovering more about myself as a player. One of the things that I’ve found out is that I really prefer smaller and quicker to finish zones. I like to feel like I’m moving forward with my character, not only in gear, but …
My new main game and plans for break
And the winner is… Fallen Earth with forty-two percent of the vote! Aion came in a close second with thirty-six percent and LotRO in last with only twenty-one percent. That settles it. From here on out, I’ll prioritizing my game play in that order. Thank you to everyone who submitted your vote. I also had …
Aion Online free trial giveaway
Hi Everyone, Courtesy of my local LAN, I currently have one free trial for Aion Online to give away. Before today, I didn’t realize NCsoft even had anything like this out there. This trial is good for “up to 3 days, 5 hours, or level 7, whichever you reach first.” In that time, you should …
Do we really need UI mods?
When I played WoW, I used a lot of mods. At last count, I think I was around 35, give or take a few. They did everything from track my DPS, to telling me what battleground was earning bonus honor for the weekend. Just as important to me, they let me clear my screen off …
Your ideal zone
As I was driving home yesterday, I started thinking about what creates that “drive” that keeps me wanting to log into a game. There’s a lot of factors but I think one of the most important ones has to do with the zones I’m playing in. Maybe I’m finicky but I’ve come to realize that …
MMO Wanna-Be’s
(The title may not be grammatically appropriate but darned if it didn’t look wrong without that apostraphe!) Lately, it seems like a new MMO is launching just about every month. Games are coming out of the woodwork and pushing the limits of what we expect to see in a new MMO. This is a great …