Green Armadillo had an interesting post up yesterday where he discusses the coming battlegroup merges in WoW. He points out that it’s another step closer to global servers and I couldn’t agree more. One of the cons he mentions, amongst several others, has to do with server communities becoming less meaningful. My first reaction similar …
Tag Archive: darkfall online
Two Crashes in Two Weeks; The End of Dragon Age and Vanguard; The (re)Beginning of Darkfall
I’ve had the worst luck with hard drives these past two weeks. First, I had one die on me right after recording Episode 22 of The Multiverse. I went out, caught a couple of 500GB drives on sale at Best Buy, put them in, and was happy with my new terrabyte. Yesterday morning, however, I …
Day One back at Darkfall
It’s amazing how much you can forget that was once muscle memory. Stepping back into Darkfall yesterday was at once like visiting an old friend and also an overwhelming feeling totally inept. For the first few minutes, I spent some time going through my key bindings and spellbook, re-acquainting myself with my abilities, rebinding a …
Darkfall: The Destiny of Indie MMOs?
You know, there’s a lot of great things I’d like to say about Darkfall. Like, how they’re setting a new precedent for patch releases and content upgrades. How they’re the premiere competitor for any MMO company releasing patches. How they’re more of a true MMO than any of the current crop of Disneyland games overwhelming …