As the launch of Aion looms ever closer, more and more people are coming out of the woodwork to voice their opinions on it. That’s all well and good except for when people spread little bits of misinformation left and right. The current doom and gloom is all about endgame PvP. Some people would have …
Tag Archive: abyss
10 things to know about Aion Online
With the release of Aion Online looming ever closer (and open beta starting tomorrow), I thought it might be a good idea to get some kind of basic points out there for people that a teetering on the edge of joining. If you’ve been following it for some time, you may have heard some of …
Enough with this WoW Clone crap
I’ve heard this thought echoed across the internet for months now and it’s getting a little old. Aion Online is not a “WoW Clone.” By repeating that little bleet, all you’re doing is proclaiming your ignorance of what the game is even about. What is it that makes a game a clone of WoW anyways? …