They still have a thing or two to learn about romance...
But, it was not to be. Here’s the thing though, it had very little to do with the actual game and more to do with when I could play. Scenarios and open world PVP were fun. I loved them. The only issue was, as a daytime player, I would find myself waiting 2+ hours to get in a battleground. Open world PVP and PQs were few and far between, as most people were at work or school. The PVE, as they admit, wasn’t the focus of the game. My problem was that it was pretty much the only part of their game I could experience regularly. Just like two people who can’t arrange a date, I wound up giving up.
What they focused on, they did well. Their PVP was fun. The Tome of Knowledge was interesting. The environments were top notch. And, PQs, when active, were a blast and one of the best innovations to hit the industry in years. It’s a shame events built up on one another and it took a slide in public opinion. The core of Warhammer is great. Even the most adamant of former players will tell you that it had a wealth of potential just waiting to be tapped.
The recent shipping in of bloggers just reinforces what I’ve always felt about them: they care
about their community and like to have fun right along with them. After the game launched, they pulled back the hype machine. I’m still asking Where in the World is Paul Barnett. But, putting every issue they’ve had to the side, you have a company that’s willing to involve their community more than any other in the business.
This trip? That’s appreciation. And it’s awesome.
So, Developer Appreciation Week may have passed, but here it is nonetheless: I appreciate Mythic Entertainment. It’s a shame WAR didn’t do as well as they’d hoped. But, you’ve got to admire the team they have working on it.
Now, it’s time to add the F2P tier one to my list of games. Waaaagh!
For reports on the blogger’s trip, check out their websites.
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