

Ripped from the Headlines – 5/13/10

A funny thing has happened to me lately, I’ve stopped using my PSP to play video games. Instead, I use it to cruise my Google Reader before bed. All told, I have something like 92 subscriptions I follow regularly.

The next great American novelist. Watch out Hawthorne.

As you can imagine, between the likes of Kotaku and the word-bank that is our blogging community, there’s a lot of interesting stuff out there. Today I thought it’d be fun to look at some of the news and blogs that caught my attention, and may have slipped by yours in the noise of this past week.

  • Tyra Banks to Write Fantasy Novel Trilogy… called Modelland. Seriously. It will follow a group of teenage girls as they go to a special school to train in the arts of modeling. With magic and danger. And the main character’s last name is Potter. Okay, that last part was fake. But, srsly? In a related story, Tyra is said to have pitched the working title “VanityLand” to her publisher but was declined after several board meeting.
  • Keen Pulls a Fox News… and accuses Obama of hating video games. First, he comes for your guns. Then, your paddles. Relax, guys. Here’s a pro tip from Public Speaking 101: the use of rhetorical devices is common practice in the art of persuasive speech. He could have used any prominent electronic device and made the same point, but then he’d have been ignoring what’s relevant to the audience he was speaking to. And, as creative writers, we should know: sometimes, certain words and phrases just work better than others.

What’s funny is that the article that it’s the exact type of thing Obama is speaking out against. Out-of-context quotes surrounded by opinion presented as educated fact. And when someone like Proze pops up in the comments with a well reasoned argument, ignore every valid part of it and attack based upon inferred political alignment.

If you want an example of the noise Obama is speaking to, check out the masses of stories on the Drudge Report, Newsmax, or Michael Savage’s website. For that matter, it runs on both sides of the political fence. Agendas and all… I’ll be announcing The Fudge Report for all of us independent chocolate lovers out there early next week. Stay tuned.

Ah, that’s enough for now I think. Who knows, maybe I’ll even make this a regular feature around here. Lord knows I like reading through things like this. I hope these stories bring you as much entertainment as they did me 🙂

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