

The Flash! In blog form.

Not Syp... or is it?

Not Syp... or is it?

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I’ve been insanely busy with life and work but I’m happy to report that I’m hired to substitute at another district as of the end of the month. Such a breath of fresh air after working for that blood sucking corporation I used to call home.

I’m on a 15 minute break from my night class, actually so in the next few I’ll bring you up to date on what’s new in the world of Game by Night.

Heavy Rain: It gets an A- for story and a B for game play. I found it to be thoroughly engaging as a piece of interactive fiction. The control scheme played really well into this. It’s officially the first game where I’ve had to hold down a button with my nose. At times, however, I found character movement to be a little bit clunky. It was also slightly annoying to find out that if you don’t make a decision within a few seconds, the game chooses one for you.

–      Overall though, I’d definitely recommend this to PS3 owners. Maybe a rental, since you can finish it in around 8 hours.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Good, addicting, and much better than Bad Company 1. There are lots of upgrades to work for and I’m happy to see that you get more experience per kill more than in the first game. Granted, they did increase how much experience you need to level at the same time. But, hey, big numbers are more rewarding to see.

–      Even though I really like this game, the graphics are not as good as they were touted to be. At least on the PS3. Likewise, the level of polish, map, and weapon variation are nowhere near what Modern Warfare 2 has to offer. Then again, BC2 isn’t a good comparison to CoD anyways, so it’s kind of a moot point.

LotRO: Oath of the Rangers: Haven’t had a chance to try it yet. I’ve been into the in-and-out play style lately for obvious reasons. Later this week, I’m going to try to complete Books 3 and 4 without stopping. If Syp can do it, so can I!

Allod’s Online: Good for them.

That’s all for now folks! See you soon!

Oh, before I go, remember to tune in to The Multiverse this Friday at 7PM EST for our 10th show!

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