

Rift Watchers Podcast Interviews Trion Lore Leads

Hey Guys,

Just a head’s up to point you over to Rift Watchers latest release. This past Wednesday, Gavin was able to sit down with Nick McDowell and Morgan Lockhart. I wasn’t there, unfortunately, but it made listening to it an even better experience. Gavin took a new approach to the interview compared to most you’ve probably heard. He didn’t focus on the lore itself, so much, as what it’s like to work on and design this aspect of an MMO. We find out what exactly it is a Lore Lead does and how writing fiction for an MMO differs from other types of storytelling… and lots more.

It’s definitely worth a listen if you’re interested in Rift or just plain MMO development.

Thanks to Nick, Morgan, and Trion for being so great about making this happen.

If you like the show, please consider leaving us an iTunes review. Or, even better, send us an email and join in!

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