

New Beginnings (or Back in the Saddle)

Hello, loyal Readers!  My name is H00LiGAN (or Alex to my enemies…yeah I’m looking at you, Mom) and I will be one of your new Game by Night contributors!

You may also remember me (or not) from such blogs as Twist-it Logic (deleted), Kingdom of Snark (we broke up; it was very bitter), and IRuletehInternetz.com (ok…made that one up).

After having survived the latest wave of Life-beatdowns (aka toddler, pregnant wife, new baby), I had been thinking about a return to the blog-o-sphere.  When Chris sent out the call for new contributors, my decision was made, and I jumped at the chance. And so began the lengthy interview process: I asked ‘please?’ and he said ‘meh, i guess’.

So what do I do, you ask?  Wait, what? You didn’t ask? Eh, well tough nuggets, I’m going to tell you anyway.

In short, I am a mild-mannered QA Software tester by day, spectacular father/husband by evening, and very tired medium-core gamer by night (see what I did there?). Since y’all are here, I imagine you’re more interested in the gaming portion of what I do.  This is good, because I’m a lot better at gaming than testing and it’s a heck of a lot more interesting.

I am currently making my way back to World of Warcraft for the umpteenth time as well as dabbling in the Starcraft II beta; and by dabbling, I mean clicking on a few buildings and then watching someone blow them up.

I’m also finally catching up on my Xbox 360 back log. Ayup, soon enough the shrink-wrap will finally come off of Deadspace and Fifa 10!  Right now I’m working my way through Record of Agarest War (seriously not as dumb as it looks) and Borderlands.

I also have a Wii……um yeah, sooo that’s about all I can say about that.

And that’s the quick and short of it.  Check back soon to see if I’ve written anything interesting and in the mean time feel free to friend me on Xbox (wrathchi1d) or Raptr (H00LiGAN).

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